Proyecto 3Kimu 110 estudiantes de bachillerato científico y tecnológico participan en el reto 3KIMU de Mondragon Unibertsitatea para despertar vocaciones STEAM 2022·12·21
Los y las estudiantes tienen que responder al reto planteado este año, “¿Cómo protegemos de las colisiones a las personas y a las cosas?”, bajo una perspectiva de género, de desarrollo de competencias científicas y plurilingüe.
Proyecto Digital del Centro Mondragon Unibertsitatea ofrecerá asesoramiento en el diseño del Proyecto Digital del Centro 2022·12·12
La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y la ikastola Arizmendi han realizado ya una prueba piloto para diseñar el Proyecto Digital del Centro.
NEW EXPERT CERTIFICATION A new university expert certification, ‘STEM and digitalization in new educational contexts,’ begins in January 2022·11·09
The course is aimed at education instructors, directors of pedagogical management, and digital mentors of the Berritzegune support services.
RESEARCH The Be[di]girada research project is underway 2022·09·30
The study aims to analyze how to accommodate the philosophical and sociological bases of Digital Humanism in the academic field.
CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION Registration open for June 8 conference: The teacher in current and future education 2022·05·12
The session will delve into the role of the teacher in promoting students’ personal characteristics such as creativity, cooperation, flexibility and critical spirit. The conference will be held on the Eskoriatza campus.
STEMotiv project Stimulating student STEM motivation and enhancing the scientific-technological business network of Gipuzkoa through artificial intelligence 2022·03·07
The Science, Technology and Health research group of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, ZiTeO, will promote the STEMotiv project in order to have an impact on the training of teachers of STEM subjects and to measure student motivation for and interest in STEM subjects.
RESEARCH LanHezi, a research project to generate knowledge and influence the quality of future employment 2022·03·01
Vocational Training centers, companies, cooperatives and the ZiTeO research group of Mondragon University will work together on the project.
RESEARCH This academic year, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has acquired eight competitive research projects 2022·02·13
The research projects we have in hand will address different areas such as STEM knowledge, educational innovation, governance, and transformation and social entrepreneurship.
MyDigiCoop MyDigiCoop: Personalised Digital Learning Paths to Foster Social-Cooperative Entrepreneurship 2021·11·15
Bringing in a new paradigm for a better and more socially equal society by fostering social-cooperative mindset.
INTERVIEW Itziar Garcia: “As we properly select and use knowledge previously acquired to respond effectively to different situations in life, we become more and more competent.” 2021·10·06
Itziar García, Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences researcher, defended her international dissertation on July 22 on the Eskoriatza campus. The work, entitled “Students’ Digital Competence: Basque Secondary School Students’ Digital Competence Development Through Eki Educational Resource” earned the designation of Very Good. We spoke with the researcher about her dissertation.
PRIMARY EDUCATION Inauguration of the new Digital Innovation specialization at Bilbao AS Fabrik on September 14 2021·09·07
The event, entitled “Digitalization in education: drawing the path of the future” will be held at Bilbao AS Fabrik and the round table will be streamed.
DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Paula Alvarez: “The first step in developing an innovative mentality is to understand that we are able to generate new ideas” 2021·09·06
The international dissertation “Exploring student perceptions towards innovation in relation to the academic and social context,” defended by Paula Avarez on the Eskoriatza campus last July, earned the cum laude designation. We spoke with the author about her research.
KoLaborategia KoLaborategia, el Laboratorio de Educación y Comunicación para la Sociedad Digital de Mondragon Unibertsitatea, estrena sitio web 2021·05·17
En el nuevo site se ha recopilado toda la información del laboratorio creado por la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación.
RESEARCH Eneko Bidegain, researcher of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences at Mondragon University, has won the ‘Jon Bilbao 2021’ chair 2021·05·03
The Mondragon University researcher will go to the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada – Reno in the United States to analyze both the ways in which diaspora members are informed about the Basque Country and their vision of Basque territoriality.
INTERVIEW Oxel Azkarate: “Based on students’ self-perception, we offer a tool to measure the characteristics that influence the profile of the Cooperative Person” 2021·04·14
The dissertation “Creation and validation of the KOOPHEZI-i tool to measure the profile of the Cooperative Person among young students,” defended by Oxel Azkarate in March on the Eskoriatza campus, earned the cum laude designation. We spoke with the author about his research.
DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Oxel Azkarate earns the excellent cum laude designation for his doctoral dissertation 2021·03·23
The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Creation and validation of the KOOPHEZI-i tool to measure the profile of the Cooperative Person among young students,” took place on the Eskoriatza campus.
Research KoLaborategia investigates teenagers’ social media habits 2021·01·13
KoLaborategia, the laboratory for Education and Communication for the Digital Society based in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences at Mondragon University, has analyzed social media trends among 15- and 16-year-olds.
KoLaborategia KoLaborategia ofrece en abierto diversos tutoriales y recursos sobre educación y digitalización 2020·04·24
KoLaborategia es el Laboratorio de Educación y Comunicación para la Sociedad Digital de Mondragon Unibertsitatea
KoLaborategia KoLaborategia propone un decálogo para afrontar la enseñanza online en época de confinamiento 2020·03·30
El equipo de KoLaborategia, el Laboratorio en Educación y Comunicación para la Sociedad Digital, ha presentado un decálogo que pretende ser una guía para todas y todos los docentes que están trabajando estos días online.
KOLABORATEGIA Gema Climent hablará sobre neuropsicología, realidad virtual, videojuegos y educación en el encuentro sobre la organizado por KoLaborategia el próximo 9 de mayo 2019·05·01
La conferencia “Las ventajas de conocerse y saber cómo procesamos” se celebrará en el campus de Eskoriatza a partir de las 18:00 horas.