What is Kolaborategia

What is KoLaborategia?

KoLaborategia is the Center for Educational Innovation of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University. The mission of KoLaborategia is to create and share knowledge about education and to promote educational innovation. For years, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has been researching all processes and stages of education and disseminating the knowledge derived from that research to educational organizations. KoLaborategia aims to accumulate research, consultancy and professional training experience in order to influence processes of educational innovation and the quality of education.

The KoLaborategia Center for Educational Innovation was created for several specific reasons:

  • To combine educational innovation research, consultancy and professional training.
  • To build bridges between educational organizations and the university.
  • To provide a space for meetings, reflection, training, development, collaboration and experimentation to organizations and agents involved in educational innovation.
  • To investigate challenges in education from an interdisciplinary and global perspective and to be able to respond to those challenges.


  • Collaborative educational research.
  • To become an outstanding meeting point for the training and development of educational organizations and professionals in education.
  • To promote, enrich and strengthen educational innovation processes from the standpoint of interdisciplinarity and with a global perspective.
  • To promote the participation of teachers in training and provide opportunities for them to reflect and collaborate with professionals.

How do we do it?

  • Research.
  • Experimentation.
  • Consultancy.
  • Training.
  • Conferences.
  • Outreach.


Topics we address

We try to research education from a global and collaborative perspective, and from the same perspective, we strive to create and share knowledge and promote innovation processes. We also have research, consultancy and training initiatives that require specialization or a combination of subjects. Below is a list of specific topics that KoLaborategia has addressed, as an example:

Advanced methodologies and strategies

Interdisciplinarity, assessment, co-teaching, the development of competencies, the promotion of personal qualities and soft skills, dual education, etc.

Languages in the schools

Language project, didactics of languages, literacy in different fields, promotion of speaking, strategies to increase the use of Basque, sociolinguistics in educational institutions, the unified language curriculum, treatment of linguistic diversity, language treatment for schooling newcomers, etc..

STEAM and digitalization

Digital competence, digitalization plans, artificial intelligence in education, computational thinking, gamification, interdisciplinary STEM projects, didactics of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics, etc.


Education and community

Interculturality, equality and equity, cultivation of social cohesion, interculturality and the Basque language, school and community, community educators, participation of municipalities in education, didactics of humanities and the social sciences, etc.

Healthy contexts for responding to diversity

Inclusion and the foundations of a school for all, treatment of diversity, transitions between stages, inclusive spaces and contexts, strategies to promote student participation, learning services, etc.



 943 71 41 57

Dorleta St. 20540 Eskoriatza (Gipuzkoa)

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